Sunday, June 10, 2012

Do We Miss Home...?

Dear Family and Friends;

The other day someone asked us if we missed home much.... I said no... not at all. Well, maybe just a few things.

I miss the … Family, the Grandkids, Friday lunch with the guys... fellowship with people who understand what I’m saying and being with guys my own age. I miss having unimportant things to complain about, knowing what to do, when to do it and being able to communicate it to someone without an interpreter.

I miss my room, my bathroom, my shower, my closet, my bed, soft rugs and pillows that are not bags stuffed with cotton balls or tiny chunks of foam. I miss my birds, my cat, my plants, flowers, couches, desks, windows, having adequate light, water pressure, and ventilation. 

I miss my golf-cart, jeep and Volkswagen. I miss people driving on the other side of the road in the other side of the car, roads without speed bumps every few blocks and I miss the little girls who occasionally made me cookies.

 I miss not being a minority, not being stared at, people saying good bye before they hang up their phones, seeing planes flying over-head, and smooth roads. I also miss having complete conversations in my native tongue, not being pointed out when wearing shorts, suspenders, or non-pointy shoes. I miss knowing who to give and not give money to, or when, or why or how much, or how often.

I miss mowing the grass, trimming the bushes, cutting flowers for the kitchen table, shooting bottle rockets at Ari and David's house, walking in the woods, having Gatherings, spontaneous singing events, popping cats with my BB gun who hungrily stalk my purple martins, friends dropping over to chat, hearing someone go by in a horse cart in front of our house, and the sound of kids playing on the playground next to our house.

I miss the feeling of safety in the Village and the knowledge that you are surrounded by people who love you. I miss conversations on the front porch, back porch, in the living room, kitchen, hallway, our bedroom and even the occasional surprise visits from crazy dressed-up young people.

I miss being around people who aren't afraid to have fun, laugh and act silly sometimes. I miss the sound of our wonderful young house-mates who stay up too late, talk to loud, laugh to loud and wake us up yelling when they win some game they’re playing in the kitchen as you unsuccessfully try to go back to sleep.

I miss living in the country, having a yard, growing vegetables, stealing a piece of fruit (when no one is looking) from our fruit trees, taking a walk at night, not having to bolt your house with 3 huge locks before you can go to sleep, the night sky, the sound of crickets, the beauty of lightening bugs, the hum of the humming birds and even the occasional frantic race to the storm shelters on a stormy night. 

But most of all.... we miss all of you.
Other than that.... we hardly notice we're away.

Missing you ...Love Noah and Haviylah


  1. That is alot to miss. You have given up so much tobe part of A Living Church that I myself need yo get more of a grip on. Thank you so very much for what you have done.

  2. We miss you, too! And love you very, very much!!!! Love, Chavvah

  3. We miss you, too, friend. We have doors opening and some fun things to try. Our warehouse is becoming a spiritual sanctuary as well as a business, and Quinn is making plans for organized training, which always ends up equipping our young workers with basic disciplines and qualities needed for life.

    There's people working hard here to organize, record, and financially support--in a proper way--the work in Kenya. Hopefully, the end result of that is that you can be a teacher of pastors, a friend and guide to the saints in Nakuru, and know just how to delegate all the administration to someone else. Doug will tell you all about that. His wife seems skilled at making things happen.

    Anyway, once again, we miss you. Can't wait to see your smiling face again ... here, there, or in the air. Lol.

  4. Hey Dad,
    Love the post!!! :-) I miss you like crazy and October seems so far away! Xoxoxo!
    Shiph. :-)

  5. It's easy to take all those things for granted while you are here in RCV. But, today I will make sure I don't! I'm off to visit the wonderful people I am joined with in Christ!
    Missing you and loving God in TN,

  6. Awww Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us just how much you miss us! We miss you too, more than you know :-)

    Thank you for just being you and for doing your part in Africa!
    Can't wait to see you again and hear all about your many adventures :-)

    Love you sooo much!

    Chasah Copanhaver

  7. Abba, This was a wonderful post to read!! Thank you for sharing all your thoughts. We miss you both terribly, but know you are exactly where you're supposed to be, and that as much as you miss these things, you would not choose to come back for any of them! Shammah, it was enlightening to read your comments, as well. Blessed be the Lord who's Life sustains us! What a great adventure we are on....being a part of the beautiful Bride.

  8. I miss you more :) Love and miss you all. Can't wait to see you again!

  9. :) That's sweet, Abba, I miss you too!
